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Updated Feb 4

♒ Aquarius One, two, Freddy's coming for you.
♓ Pisces A big scam is coming your way soon. Just say no.
♈ Aries When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.
♉ Taurus They're all gonna laugh at you!
♊ Gemini Shop smart, shop S-Mart.
♋ Cancer Listen to them. The children of the night... what music they make.
♌ Leo Watch a violent movie today if you want to stay sane.
♍ Virgo If you take a dump, put it back.
♎ Libra We all go a little mad sometimes.
♏ Scorpio Today is a day to be bold. Fuck the sidewalks and walk in the street. And if you're driving, fuck the streets and drive on the sidewalk.
♐ Sagittarius This is no dream. This is really happening!
♑ Capricorn Bananas are a good source of potassium. Eat a banana this year.


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