In 1979, Mad Max Rockatansky brought justice to the outback wasteland, in the attempt of making Australia at least vaguely memorable. However, it wasn't until 1986 that Crocodile Dundee became the official stereotype of the country, with his heavy accent, croc-hunting prowess, and a unique ability to always having a bigger knife than the other guy. Crocodile Dundee inspired serial killers such as Mick Taylor (Wolf Creek, Wolf Creek 2), yet he happens to be a docile gentleman when he's not boxing kangaroos and putting shrimps on the barbie.
Trash Epics is moderated by porn hero @AlcoholicNinja and extreme queen @Shaza, both hailing from the dingo-infested outback.
Trash Epics is moderated by porn hero @AlcoholicNinja and extreme queen @Shaza, both hailing from the dingo-infested outback.