Welcome to the first ever...
Reviews with Ballz!
Or should I call it
Reviewz with Ballz, so it's a
z on
Reviews too? Not sure, but whatever.
This isn't really going to be anything out of the ordinary as far as reviews go. I'll just give my thoughts on the movie. This is more of just a way for me to ID my reviews on here so they stand out from my regular articles. Of course, I could always add a poll in later reviews too, especially if I review a whole movie series or something.
I'll try to review mostly stuff that's not so popular and well-known, at least as far as I know, just so I'm not covering movies that have already been covered by every other reviewer on the internet. Newer movies might be my exception to that. We'll see though. And of course, I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum, if not non-existent.
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