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May '14
In 1988 British journo Jonathan Ross hosted this documentary series on Channel 4 in the UK. In it he featured films and film makers outside the mainstream - as an impressionable 11 year old, I was at once intruiged and unsure of these 'underground' masterpieces.


To be perfectly honest, more than a few of them bored me at the time - what with some of the featured films not containing Terminators, Predator... Continue »

May '14
Today, I attended Texas Frightmare Weekend. As with most conventions, people want to hear stories about celebrities, to see what these celebrities are actually like. I had no bad experiences this or any other year I've attended, which is awesome, but this year, things seemed to go very smoothly. Continue »

May '14 *

It's been far too long since we basked in the splendour of a new work of art from filmmaker/singer/philanthropist Barry J. Gillis. There was that Wicked World movie he worked on for like 20 years that remains almost entirely unseen. Then there was the music video for the haunting masterpiece Road to Sadness, in which Barry J. Gillis sang, acted and directed. I believe he even made the sandwiches for the catering. I bet they tasted... Continue »

May '14
A trash what? Well, a trash "zone" is just an area we designate on the site for random things that don't necessarily need to relate to anything we normally discuss here on the site (but it very well can if you want it to). Any user can have one, and it can serve whatever purpose you want it to, and it will be coded and styled to your needs.

Think of it as your own mini-website, that you don't have to build.
Limited time only. Continue »

Apr '14
When there is no more room in hell, the elves shall walk the earth.

Yes, yes, I know how you're feeling. I shuddered too, when I heard that 'oh so famous' line from this 1989 trash epic. Elves. That's what we're dealing with. Our evil and vicious antagonists, are Elves! Not 'Critters', with their awesomely large grins, not 'Trolls' with their unique fx, not even 'Gremlins' and they look like cuddly little munchkins half the time. No, no, we're dealing with something much more sinister and ev... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€548

Apr '14
Don't be discouraged, my friends, because we're just getting started. I still have this site slapped with a toe-tag reading "Beta mode", but you're the ones here to help me fine-tune it, moderate it, and post "official" site articles.

It's a team effort, but a web site is a business opportunity too, through ad revenue. If we could capitalize on that, we can get hood rich and live the dream. Remember, I'm not a malfunctioning robot moderator (like the ones IMDb use). I'm just a poor American idiot who loves weed, B-movies, guitar, titties, and the internet. When I'm not ripping people off at the concession stand by selling them food at 4x its regular price, I'm at home doing my five wives (all at the same time, of course). If I can make shit happen, then anyone can.

Things can only happen if you try, and if you try hard enough, you always succeed. In 2009, I stopped and asked myself, "how does a forum work?". If you don't know how to do something on the internet, look it up on the internet.

I found out how to make a forum in just a few clicks, but don't take that as an invite to build one better than mine, because it's a gradual process that continues to build upon itself, and to me, this website is a canvas for anything. There's so much we can do with a website that has no rules or regulations. But for now... some content ideas... Continue »

Apr '14
Easter is a weird holiday. Jesus came back! Only this time, it wasn't on the actual anniversary of it, but on a Sunday, just because God loves Sundays. So how do we celebrate? We look for our dearest egg man, who thinks its a good idea to dress up as an over-sized rabbit this time of year, and disperse eggs in a discrete manner. Very inconspicous, egg man; he who delivers our eggs filled with all kinds of random, sugary crap that's not good for us. The egg man goes rogue and gives us these fake plastic eggs, but you know what? I want my regular eggs back, damnit!

Easter Eggs

...are a very fun thing to work into this site too. For example, I can hide text to be visible only in the page's source code. There is actually text between this sentence and the last one, but using regular page markup, you can't see that except if you view this page's source code.

Of course, I've also scattered other easter eggs, everywhere. This could be in various forms, such as password protected info, source code comments, search keywords, and all sorts of other irrelevant things. However, it's your job to find them (and hope that it all pays off in the end).

Easter Movies?

I can't think of many. I tried watching Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill!, but my dvd is fucked. There's also a pointless Easter egg hunt scene in one of my favorite Shriekshow titles, "The Being". Are there any other good ones? I suppose you can include actual Easter movies too. I've been meaning to see The Last Temptation of Christ for years now, because it's Scorsese, and Scorsese probably is God (and Morgan Freeman isn't?!).

What say you on this, or any other matter, regarding easter and/or marijuana?

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.6k

Apr '14 *
Having set the tone, post your Trash Hits here!

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€819

Apr '14
Yes kids, you too can earn a user subtitle to display valiantly among your fellow man. If you could be the official representative of something... anything on this site... what would it be? Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ10 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.3k

Apr '14
I posted this on another forum, but, with a few edits, this seems a fitting place to add it.

This film is my favourite of all time. Simple as that.

Don't get me wrong, I know it has it's flaws - there are hundreds of 'better' films out there - hell, it's not even Walter Hill's best film, and it's certainly not one for all tastes, but for me, it's simply unbeatable.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's the (tall) tale of Coney Island st... Continue »

Apr '14 *
The Godfather of Gore has had a series of blood-drenched b-movies to pick from. Are his hixploitation movies any good? One of these days, we just may find out!

Apr '14 *
image A man named Vigil is driving across the American desert, on his way to a long deserved holiday. He stops to pick up a young and pretty hitchhiker, who says she's been travelling from Chicago to meet up with her grandfather, a man she's never met. Our young little hitchhiker is named Rosalie. She's a teen who comes across as quite simple minded. Not only that, but strange as well. Little Rosalie claims she kno... Continue »

Apr '14
A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to get to hang with Tromafreak and raid his dvd collection. While trying to figure out what to watch, he suggested a movie called Shatter Dead, a title that meant virtually nothing to me. Intrigued enough by the title, I thought sure, why not! Little did I know that Shatter Dead was no ordinary movie. What I was about to experience in the next 84 mins, cannot be described by words. Never have I seen a movie, so shithouse, yet so intriguing at the same time. Be... Continue »

Apr '14 *
Well, here I am. Belatedly hopping on the intro train, as it leaves the station (and hopefully not fumbling my grasp on the rail, and spectacularly flailing for a few seconds, before crashing with a sickening thud onto the rails, and lying in a crumpled heap, wondering what's worse, the embrassment at the fall, or white-hot shoot pain of my fractured physical self...).


Basic facts - I'm a Geordie - technically that makes me English, but really I'm Geordie first and foremost. I live in New Zealand with Mrs M, and the three little M's - daughters all. Can't leave the house without tripping over hobbits, elves, and whatnot. It's a bloody pain when you're putting the bins out, I can tell you. The scenery is breathtaking, though - I've been here for more than a decade, and I'm still blown away when I look out of the window.

Oh, and we also have our very own white trash - The Bogans!
https://tvnz.co.nz/seven-sharp/makes-bogan-video-5519288 Continue »

Apr '14
okay now that i finished the second season i think i feel obligied to get the word out about this awesome and unique series, black mirror. im on the bullshit community college computer right now and idk if this is the reason the java wont work, but im also really excited for the upcoming games, whenever i get a chance to use my computer at home i will be (attempting) to upload a torrent link for black mirror, so watc... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€3.2k

Apr '14 *
Urban Fear - 1974-1985

Movieland has had a long and fruitful relationship with the kids on the wrong side of the tracks. In the โ€˜50s and โ€˜60s they were rebels, they were bikers, they were greasers, and they were wanderers. They were hip cats, Daddy-O, and they would jive talk you soon as look at you. If they werenโ€™t too busy dancing at each other, that isโ€ฆ Continue »

Apr '14 *
This post will detail some features I plan to add to this site. Maybe I shouldn't promise 'soon', but maybe I will anyway. For no reason, the following features are in development: Continue »

๐Ÿ‘2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€605

Apr '14 *
I'll try not to make this overly long, because quite frankly, I'm not that interesting. I don't have any kind of real social life, I don't follow sports, unless you count professional wrestling, or reality TV series, and I probably drink more than I should. Maybe those things do make me interesting then? Probably not. Continue »

Apr '14
In order for Trash Epics to succeed, this website needs principles, goals, hearts, and souls. I want people to realize that Trash Epics is going to expand beyond just some internet forum, and into reality, as it's own cult production company/studio, in which this very website would also act as the interface for. I can essentially build a business using this site, and I very well may.

When people keep you in the dark about things for too long, you start to lose hope that said thing is even going to be worth the wait. Maybe it's all just gossip... or rumors... or straight up bullshit? Well, I don't want to paint that image of myself. I need to let people in on this, which is why I write... the Epic Manifesto (version zero point half-teen). And remember rule #1: once I write the rule down, it doesn't change (rule #1 subject to change). Continue »

๐Ÿ‘3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Mar '14 *
As horror fans, we're used to seeing and celebrating iconic evil images. Remember that feeling you felt when Regan's head did a 360 for the first time. Or the time Jaws finally popped his head out from the ocean? Well boys and girls, prepare yourselves for something truly terrifying, because I have seen the true face of evil! Never mind the likes of Freddy or Jason, beware of the one and only...Ethel!

image Continue »

Mar '14 *
Oh, hi audience. Today, we can finally rate movies here on Trash Epics. It's a simple 1-5 system, but you have multiple categories to rate for each title:

Acting (performances)
Audio (score, sound mix)
Story (screenplay, story, writing)
Video (sets, sfx, visuals)
Tilt (personal preference)

Each on a scale of 1 for awful, 2 for bad, 3 for neutral, 4 for good, and 5 for awesome. Fair enough, yes? And your user ratings will determine the winners of the upcoming Trash Awards.

Mar '14
so i just got into this short tv series, black mirror, its pretty fucking sweet if anyone wants to check it out, all episode seems to be independant of the rest, the first one, for instance, takes place sometime in the near future, and the princess of the UK gets kidnapped and the kidnapped posts on YouTube he will kill her unless the prime minister fucks a pig on live tv and the pm has to do it lol

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€4.5k

Mar '14 *
I had no idea this was even still happening, but here's a teaser for Phantasm V: Ravager. And well, holy (silver) balls, it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!


Mar '14
So many awesome lines!






๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.1k


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