Don't be discouraged, my friends, because we're just getting started. I still have this site slapped with a toe-tag reading "Beta mode", but you're the ones here to help me fine-tune it, moderate it, and post "official" site articles.
It's a team effort, but a web site is a business opportunity too, through ad revenue. If we could capitalize on that, we can get hood rich and live the dream. Remember, I'm not a malfunctioning robot moderator (like the ones IMDb use). I'm just a poor American idiot who loves
titties, and
the internet. When I'm not ripping people off at the concession stand by selling them food at 4x its regular price, I'm at home doing my five wives (all at the same time, of course). If I can make shit happen, then anyone can.
Spring Break, forever
Things can only happen if you try, and if you try hard enough, you always succeed. In 2009, I stopped and asked myself,
"how does a forum work?". If you don't know how to do something on the internet, look it up on the internet.
I found out how to make a forum in just a few clicks, but don't take that as an invite to build one better than mine, because it's a gradual process that continues to build upon itself, and to me, this website is a canvas for
anything. There's so much we can do with a website that has no rules or regulations. But for now... some content ideas...
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