Jan '23
you guys, this looks pretty interesting. I don't think I am going to be able to finish it tonight because I just found it a few minutes ago at 2:30 AM where I live. But, I will try to come back to it this weekend.
It is an alternate history, of a WW3 that, of course, did not actually happen. It is set in 1989 and early 1990, but the events of the film diverge from real history pretty early in the film. Anyway, what I have watched so far is interesting and well done. It seems to be some k... Continue ยป
It is an alternate history, of a WW3 that, of course, did not actually happen. It is set in 1989 and early 1990, but the events of the film diverge from real history pretty early in the film. Anyway, what I have watched so far is interesting and well done. It seems to be some k... Continue ยป